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Архив постов: January 2023

Creating a Landing Page

January 26, 2023

Creation of Internet store

January 26, 2023

Creating a Business Card Site

January 26, 2023

Creation of Internet Directory

January 26, 2023

Сustom project

January 26, 2023

Landing for OBERT

January 25, 2023

Landing for the Zaporizhzhia advertising and production company

The task of creating a small landing was set by the head of the company. The site was created with an emphasis on maximum simplicity and ease of understanding of the OBERT company’s service.

As they say “the task is set – the order is fulfilled” smile

Earning Machine

January 25, 2023

Landing page for the implementation of an algorithmic trading system developed by a group of professional traders.


January 25, 2023site business card to order

The site is a business card for a company that helps with moving to the USA.

CRM for builders

January 25, 2023

The task is to create a functionality that would allow control of calculations for work/materials in the middle of a construction company. The site allows you to store and process invoices for controlling expenses/wages and more.

The project has many details and subtleties that are not presented in the portfolio, because it does not have time sad

January 25, 2023order site catalog

The task is to create an Internet catalog of the company’s products. The catalog can be filtered for manual search, it is simple and understand the structure of categories, it is possible to submit an application for a product request. The site is easy, quick and as simple as possible for a koristuvach.


January 24, 2023

Creating a multi-page landing page for a pastry chef in the US

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