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Creation of Internet Directory

You will receive a completely ready-to-use site. The resource will have mechanisms for mass uploading of products

from 15 days / from $300
Ease of presentation
All your products are always at hand with potential customers.
Maximum update
The online catalog is always up-to-date information. The main thing is to provide the necessary information on the site in time.
Minimum costs
The Internet catalog does not require large maintenance costs, and the ability to display any number of revisions saves significant money. You no longer need to print a bunch of sheets.
Quick and convenient access
Product filters will help your customers find exactly what they need among the variety of your products.

Why should you order an Internet catalog?

Important advantages in favor of ordering and creating an Internet catalog are several factors. But the most important are cost savings. Your catalog is available online 24/7. At the same time, you can edit/delete/add any number of offers without any problems. And if you still need to print the catalog in the form of a table – no problem, automatic export will solve this problem in a few clicks.

Get to know your site better
The site will work well on any device
A convenient admin panel will allow you to manage the catalog quickly and easily. You can make changes just from your smartphone.
The mass import/export system will allow you to quickly add a large number of goods. If necessary, you can easily download the catalog in the form of a table.
If necessary, it will be possible to transform the catalog into a full-fledged online store
On the site, there will be a search by words (field for entering a word) and a product filter by any factors (manufacturer/price/size...)
The design is developed taking into account the needs and goals of the project, the product to be sold, and the characteristics of the potential audience.
All orders from the site will be sent to e-mail. But if necessary, they can "fly" to the Google table. Where you or your managers can process them.
By collecting subscriptions, you "secure" potential customers. Later, the base of "warm" contacts is very easy to transform into profit.
I approach each project individually, so I can implement any functionality for your site, depending on your needs and wishes. Even connections with 1C, etc.
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